Buying Quartz Countertops in Concord: Just as Good as Granite?

The process of remodeling a kitchen includes many small choices between materials and finishes – although none are as controversial as the decision between granite or quartz countertops in Concord. Both materials are a mainstay of high-end kitchens, and each one has its die-hard fans, which further confuses the issue. At the end of the day, each one also has its strengths and flaws – so ultimately the choice is up to each homeowner’s needs.

Quartz Versus Granite: What Exactly Is the Difference?

Granite countertops, also known as “natural stone” countertops, are each made from a single, large piece of stone quarried directly from the Earth. Each one of these stone slabs has been formed by nature over millions of years, and is made from a unique combination of minerals that give it their characteristic colors. Quartz countertops in Concord, on the other hand, are often referred to as “engineered stones”, since they are factory-made using different grades and sizes of quartz crystals and other minerals and pigments, alongside some resin – usually around 10% to 7% of a quartz slab is resin.

While high-end quartz is significantly cheaper than the most expensive varieties of granite, the starting price of each material tends to be remarkably similar. This is why the choice often depends on other considerations.

Ease of Maintenance, Uniformity, and Strength: Quartz’s Pros

As similar as both materials are, there are some aspects that tilt the scales towards quartz. The first one is that quartz is easier to maintain: since it already contains resin as part of the mix, it is completely non-porous and won’t require sealing. Its counterpart, granite, usually requires to be treated every year or two in order to remain stain-resistant.

Quartz is also a sturdier material and much more resistant than any other choice, although it is not indestructible: it may not survive an earthquake or heavy abuse, although it is nearly impossible to chip or scratch with normal kitchen appliances. As an engineered material, quartz is also more uniform: samples chosen at the store will be exactly the same as what is eventually shipped to a new kitchen.

Durability, Uniqueness, and Natural Luxury: How Granite Can Take the Lead

Although granite may not be as hard as quartz, it is by no means fragile. Its colors are also remarkably more durable: whereas quartz can discolor over the years if placed under direct sunlight, the colors of granite will remain the same for decades, so long as proper maintenance is given.

The strongest appeal of granite over quartz countertops in Concord, however, lies in its uniqueness, which is a bit of a double-edged sword. As a completely natural material, no two granite countertops will ever be the same, so the precise pattern will be irregular and have a greater depth of color. On the other hand, this sometimes means that the final countertop does not look quite like the one in the store samples – although a good kitchen designer will account for this in their blueprints.

These two similar materials offer similar resistance, and both can offer incredibly beautiful finishes for a custom kitchen. Natural lighting, maintenance, and personal taste will have to be accounted for before making a decision.
